Monday 2 March 2015

"Live from New York, it's Saturday night!"

Hello Readers!

A couple of weeks ago, Saturday Night Live celebrated their 40th anniversary with a star-studded live three and a half hour show. It had its ups and downs, but overall I really enjoyed it. There were montages galore, which was great for me because I mean who doesn’t love a well put together montage? I thought it was really cool that they included a montage of audition tapes.

Anyways, what I thought about most while watching the show was how much of it I’ve missed. I only started watching SNL on a weekly basis a couple of years ago. I had seen the odd show before (specifically the Best of Will Ferrell SNL complete disc set thanks to a lack of things to do in a small town and a couple of my best friends), but other than that it didn’t really register on my TV radar.

I couldn’t tell you exactly what made me a regular SNL watcher, but I can tell you about a few of the people that keep me tuned in now.

First and foremost is Kate McKinnon. I cannot get enough of her on the show. She is so good at her characters, and she hardly ever breaks. She’s just hilarious. Kate made the 40th anniversary show on Celebrity Jeopardy with her Justin Bieber impression. If you haven’t seen it and want a good laugh, here it is.

I also really love Aidy Bryant. She gets some out there characters, but she pulls them off with ease. I think my favourite character of hers currently is Tonkerbell, the sarcastic, full of attitude half-sister of Tinkerbell. She’s a solid performer, and she devotes herself to her characters, an attribute to be respected on live TV.

The third reason I keep tuning in is Taran Killam. He has a pretty extensive film and TV background and only joined the SNL cast in 2010. He does some good impressions, and he rarely ever breaks. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s just something about him that makes me like him.

I also really like newcomer Pete Davidson. He’s kind of a geeky little guy, but he’s funnier than I thought he’d be. I especially like his spot on Weekend Update as “resident young person.” It’s pretty funny writing, and he delivers it really well.

Some oldies but some goodies that I love include Kristin Wiig, Seth Meyers, Bill Hader, and Andy Samberg. Kristin played a cast of characters during her time on SNL, and a lot if not all get a laugh from me. Also, her movie Bridesmaids – one of my all-time favs!

I miss Seth at the Weekend Update desk. If I could stay awake for his show, I would. If I had the time to watch it everyday, I would tape it. While I like Michael Che at the desk this season, no one will ever beat out Seth for me.

Bill Hader also had a lot of great characters. It’s probably a super SNL cliché, but I have to say it – I loved his character Stefon. He also made a brief appearance on the anniversary show, and it was great. Also Bill as veteran reporter Herb Welch is great as well. But that’s all I’ve got for you this week. 

Finally, there's Andy Samberg. I've already written a post about his new show, so you all already know how much I love him. What I loved most about him on SNL was that he was hardly ever in live sketches. His strength on the show was in SNL digital shorts. It was mentioned on the anniversary show that a lot of SNL's audience really like the pre-recorded clips in the show, and I think Andy had a lot to do with that. Here's the one he and Adam Sandler starred in for the anniversary. Enjoy!

Did you watch the 40th anniversary special? Do you watch SNL? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!


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